Daily Driving pet peeves 

Kinja'd!!! "buford-t-justice" (buford-t-justice)
05/11/2016 at 07:23 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!1 Kinja'd!!! 58

What would you say your biggest pet peeves are when putting around town? Mine would be improper lane changes (like when turning at a advanced green), and not accelerating to highway speeds..80 is way too slow to merge safely.


a red Ghia


Kinja'd!!! Jordan and the Slowrunner, Boomer Intensifies > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:37


When someone pulls out in front of me when there are no cars behind me. Extra points if you turn 250 feet down the road, causing me to have to stop.

When someone does 5-10 below in a place where you cannot pass.

When someone can’t stay in their lane around a curve.

Kinja'd!!! CalzoneGolem > Jordan and the Slowrunner, Boomer Intensifies
05/11/2016 at 07:40


So much the first one. If someone pulls out in front of me when there is no one behind me and then precedes to drive 5 under I can almost understand road rage.

If you’re in so much of a hurry you need to cut me off then step on it and I’ll be fine.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:41


I deliver pizzas and at least once a shift I’ll come across someone causing chaos by waving other people through at a stop sign. You’re not being polite, you’re creating a dangerous and annoying situation by disrupting the normal flow of traffic.

Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:42


People who can’t read the sign that says “Left turn on red after stop.”

I’ve given up on honking at them because, more often than not, they just flip me off and keep waiting.

Kinja'd!!! Logansteno: Bought a VW? > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:45


People who slow down to a crawl on a 40mph road to turn into somewhere.

Creeping forward towards my rear end in hopes to get the light to turn green quicker (hint: it doesn’t work)

No headlights in the rain

Kinja'd!!! ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable) > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:49


Being inattentive or blatantly stupid. Should cover everything.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > Logansteno: Bought a VW?
05/11/2016 at 07:53


I forgot about the headlights in the rain, especially when grey cars dont turn them on.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable)
05/11/2016 at 07:54


more proof driving is a privilege not a right

Kinja'd!!! The Dummy Gummy > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:55


People on their phones. Mostly those who are texting due to the inherent danger, but people talking on them too annoys me because they can’t be minded by their surroundings in their land missile.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > Jordan and the Slowrunner, Boomer Intensifies
05/11/2016 at 07:55


I almost got hit by someone turning into my lane, and guess what buddy was on his cell phone.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > The Dummy Gummy
05/11/2016 at 07:58


I saw some guy in a A4 on the highway the other day on his phone, holding in his left hand. When he went to signal (at least he did that) his car was jerking violently when he went to signal. At least they upped the fine for this.

Kind of like the idiot woman who was was over 100mph just for the snapchat picture

Kinja'd!!! LongbowMkII > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 07:59


People who can't maintain their speed on the interstate. People who pass me at 90 then slow down to 75 so that I pass them only to pass me again infuriate me.

Kinja'd!!! Dave the car guy , still here > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:00


The people who stop at a yield sign instead of merging into traffic. I see it everyday at a traffic roundabout . There will be at least 10-15 cars backed up at 3 of the 8 spurs because of some moron.

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:02


tailgating. The only acceptable situation i9s if someone is doing 45 in the left lane. otherwise back off. Captain douche behind me today felt the need to stay 2' off my bumper even tho we were only cruising at 5 mph All I could see thru the back window was FORD.

Kinja'd!!! The Dummy Gummy > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:04


I didn’t know A4's came with blinkers.

That is terrifying.

Kinja'd!!! 4muddyfeet - bare knuckle with an EZ30 > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:06


People who slow down and dawdle on the main bridge through my village, especially when I’m pulling 3T and have to keep pulling away. It’s a pretty river, but the bridge is no pageant winner.


Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > SVTyler
05/11/2016 at 08:13


Every teenager should spend a few months delivering pizza.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:16


Texas is filled with people who will just pull out in front of you, even on a 55mph frontage road. Idiots.

Kinja'd!!! Tristan > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:16


People who turn into a parking lot/driveway in front of you and come to a complete stop with their rear bumper just past the curb leaving you sitting out in traffic. It’s like their minds can’t think any farther ahead. “I need to turn into this parking lot” *makes turn* “oh, s***... umm... what do I do now?"

Kinja'd!!! Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer > CalzoneGolem
05/11/2016 at 08:18


This. If you cut in questionably close in front of me and hammer it, you:

-Won’t be in my way.

-Won’t make me consider you incompetent enough to get around you at the earliest possible opportunity whatever it takes.

I’ll just take it as an honest mistake. If I do something of that sort, I tend to rug it and remove myself from the path of the person I annoyed to avoid annoying them further.

Kinja'd!!! DKerstan > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:22


4) Turning left through an intersection at the tail end of a yellow signal.

3) Merging significantly slower than the speed of traffic (bonus point if not using a blinker)

2) People in lane 2 jumping into lane 3 that is merging back into lane 2 in an attempt to gain a few positions.

1) The California Roll.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > DKerstan
05/11/2016 at 08:26


California roll?

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > The Dummy Gummy
05/11/2016 at 08:27


after market mod

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > OPPOsaurus WRX
05/11/2016 at 08:30


I hate this, makes me afraid to down shift.

Kinja'd!!! CalzoneGolem > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:30


Not coming to a complete stop.

Kinja'd!!! 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:32


I got pulled over once for accelerating too hard on an on ramp (after a cop followed me for a couple minutes, was kinda weird), but I got off with a warning so whatever lol.

Kinja'd!!! gogmorgo - rowing gears in a Grand Cherokee > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:36


I hate that. Saskatoon is especially bad because the ramps are typically pretty short and half the time the merge lane doubles as the exit lane for the next exit. Ripping around in the Niva was especially frustrating because it’s so slow. If someone didn’t accelerate properly (or worse, slowed waaaaay down to change lanes to exit) in front of me, I had almost no hope of merging safely.

Kinja'd!!! FoilyDoily > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:42


Ugh. Two lanes turning left. I am in the leftmost lane planning to turn left just after the turn. Jerk face is in the right lane, yet somehow ends up also turning left just after the turn.

Also, people who cannot figure out how to zipper. Yes, this merge is a pain in the neck, but it works pretty well if jerks don’t try to box the other lane out. Did your kindergarten teacher never teach you how to take turns?!

Kinja'd!!! Scary__goongala! > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:54


People taking forever to get up to the speed limit.

Kinja'd!!! OPPOsaurus WRX > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 08:57


it makes me down shift

Kinja'd!!! Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer > Logansteno: Bought a VW?
05/11/2016 at 09:04


I actually side with the creeper (sort of—theoretically).

If everyone left enough room that they could creep ahead as the light turned, everyone could start moving at the same time and you’d get a lot more people through each light.

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > TheRealBicycleBuck
05/11/2016 at 09:06


It’s a great way to get driving experience for sure, in the first four months I drove almost five thousand miles and that’s on the low end of how much some delivery drivers put on their cars. Then again having that many idiot teenagers on the road all the time could be a bit terrifying for everyone else.

Kinja'd!!! Smallbear wants a modern Syclone, local Maple Leafs spammer > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 09:10


People who refuse to pass trucks.

People who simply WILL_NOT_ACCELERATE at a reasonable rate to a reasonable speed.

People who make an incorrect turn in front of me (eg, right turn and dive straight for the left lane) and then don’t get moving. Forgivable if there is heavy traffic, this was the best opportunity for a fair amount of time and they’re turning on the far side of the road immediately. Fair enough, buddy, no choice.

People who act competent and who I decide to take a chance on getting behind them, only to find at the next light that they’re one of the guys with a high top speed, inoffensive driving manners and an acceleration rate of 0.

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > OPPOsaurus WRX
05/11/2016 at 09:26


What I do: Don't brake check, just take your foot off the gas and leave it there. Most people get the message.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > SVTyler
05/11/2016 at 09:29


It’s even worse when you’re behind a driver who is freely giving up their right-of-way.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash
05/11/2016 at 09:32


I’d like to learn more about that. Just what is “accelerating too hard” anyway? I suppose if the tires were squealing, that would count...

Kinja'd!!! Honeybunchesofgoats > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 09:32


Lately I’ve become inordinately bothered by people who don’t signs when changing lanes, even if it doesn’t affect me in the slightest.

People who don’t signal well before a turn.

People who pull out ahead of me when no one is behind me.

People who pause even slightly when the light changes.

People who don’t turn on red when it’s permitted.

People who are very clearly incapable of planning more than one move ahead.

One thing that doesn’t bother me:

People who speed up when I go to pass. I like showing them that not all large old looking sedans are Town Cars.

Kinja'd!!! TheVancen- In Pursuit of a Greater Payday and Car Parts > OPPOsaurus WRX
05/11/2016 at 09:33


This is why I like driving a car with bumpers like railroad girders. What are you gonna do, run into me? Sure I’ll be dead, but your day will be ruined.

Sorry Mr Regular.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 09:36


Drivers who inch forward while waiting at intersections.

First of all, if you’re not stopping at the stop line, where the hell are you stopping? Secondly, it’s not going to make the light turn green any sooner. Third, when I come to a red light, I only want to stop ONCE, holding the brake until it’s time to go.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 09:37


Drivers who make the left/passing lane their default lane, only using the right lane to pass.

Kinja'd!!! 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash > Urambo Tauro
05/11/2016 at 09:39


Nah, it wasn’t anything crazy, I only have 170 or so (16 year old) horsepower, going from like 40 kmh to 100. I was confused too, but I didn’t bother asking any questions because the cop seemed alright and I just took the warning and left.

Kinja'd!!! Eric @ opposite-lock.com > DKerstan
05/11/2016 at 09:47


1) Which, curiously, is practiced more in other states. Not sure how it got that name. Californians usually actually follow stop signs due to the road designs.

Then again, I don’t know why every US traffic engineer had such a stiffy for stop signs. They’re dumb and screw up traffic flow. In most places they should be yield signs, like they are in sensible countries.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash
05/11/2016 at 09:47


I just did a quick search, and apparently some areas have what’s called a “display of acceleration”, which doesn’t require the offending driver to be spinning tires or deviating from a straight line.

Thankfully, this doesn’t seem to exist in my state, so I’m fine as long as I’m not being reckless. But it’s still disappointing to hear that this is a thing at all. Such a law is either poorly conceived or poorly written.

Kinja'd!!! 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash > Urambo Tauro
05/11/2016 at 09:55


A quick google search shows nothing, I’m sure they were running my plates and looking for something, but I don’t know why they would stop me only to give me a warning... idk.

It was weird because when I was on the highway (the cop was following before I got on) I stayed off the exit lane (which was on the right) and the cop was to the left of me, behind. I took the last second to turn off (not too late that I swerved or anything extreme) and he followed and then flashed his lights when I had a place to stop shortly after.

Kinja'd!!! Dru > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 09:56


The generally incessant attitude of “can’t stand to be behind anyone.” Swerving lanes to gain position and maybe saving 37 seconds on your overall commute time. Also, the tendency of most drivers who never go the speed limit. It’s either 15 over or 10 under. I live in a tourist town so people with out of state tags are lost 75% of the time, and don’t realize the roads are just one giant grid, so if you miss a turn, just take the next one and circle back. That is to say nothing of how generally terrible our resident drivers are.

Kinja'd!!! Svart Smart, traded in his Smart > DKerstan
05/11/2016 at 10:01


Regarding #4: Sometimes that’s the only way to do it.

Kinja'd!!! buford-t-justice > Urambo Tauro
05/11/2016 at 10:02


Where I live, Ontario..I believe the law is get up to highway speed.

Kinja'd!!! Galileo Humpkins (aka MC Clap Yo Handz) > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 10:03


Drives me nuts when people use left/right turn only lanes to go straight as a way of getting ahead of everyone, or just in front of one or two more cars because of traffic. Same for exit/on ramps/lanes on the highway.

There’s probably more but this is on my mind because yesterday some dickwad got so mad at me because I didn’t anticipate he was using the left turn only lane at a stop light to go straight.

And tailgating pisses me right off. Seems like everyone in Chicago was taught that a safe following distance is however the fuck close you can get to the car in front of you without touching it.

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash
05/11/2016 at 10:17


My coworker failed his full license test because he was “accelerating too aggressively” when merging on a short on-ramp. When he went back to try again, he went slower and merged at maybe 20km/h under the limit, and passed that time....

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 10:21


People who ignore road markings for their own convenience. Such as going straight thru a left-only lane, because the lane on the other side of the intersection is in line with that lane, and taking the straight-only lane would require them to use their steering wheel.

Kinja'd!!! 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash > gmctavish needs more space
05/11/2016 at 10:30



Now I know there’s no need to downshift into second and rev it up to 100 but come on! It’s literally safer if you match speeds!

Kinja'd!!! HFV has no HFV. But somehow has 2 motorcycles > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 10:41


Rolling a stop sign. I actually flipped off a girl the other day because I was walking through town and she totally blew stop sign. There is reason it doesn’t say Yield.

Kinja'd!!! Jordan and the Slowrunner, Boomer Intensifies > Svart Smart, traded in his Smart
05/11/2016 at 11:53


Yep, here in SC more often than not you have to do this or even wait for red, because while there are turn lanes, there are often not turn lights.

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash
05/11/2016 at 12:15


Yeah, our licensing systems attitude towards safety is like abstinence as the only form of sex ed. They want you to go as slow as possible and never be in any situation where you could get in any trouble. It would work, if everyone drove like they were on ice all the time. But no one drives like they teach, and they refuse to accept that. So stupid.

Kinja'd!!! 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash > gmctavish needs more space
05/11/2016 at 12:25


That actually makes a lot of sense. I’ve heard of European license systems that seem more reasonable. I find that just paying attention and developing good situational awarness helps me the most, though where I live in toronto we don’t have that many bad drivers.

Kinja'd!!! gmctavish needs more space > 66671 - 200 [METRIC] my dash
05/11/2016 at 12:29


Same here. I feel like North America would be better off with a system were everyone actually knew how to handle their cars, and training was law instead of suggestion. Oh you're lucky, Vancouver is full of horrible drivers

Kinja'd!!! thatsmr > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 20:23


Braking to move right on freeway. Not only do you slow the people you cut off on the right, but also the people behind you on the left have to brake. For that matter if you are unable to modulate your throttle or pay attention in the left lane to avoid braking, you should be relegated to city streets only.

Thanks for someone else mentioning no headlights in rain.

Kinja'd!!! gmporschenut also a fan of hondas > buford-t-justice
05/11/2016 at 23:46


burnt out lights.

blacked out lights

not accelerating on on-ramps

in my area speeding. I live in an area that has doubled in pop in the last 20 years. 40 was fine before housing developments went up